___________ 30% RAKEBACK ___________

___________ 30% RAKEBACK ___________

Sonntag, November 26, 2006

coming out

diese erkenntnis kommt ziemlich plötzlich & überraschend,
aber comatic liiiiieeeeeeeeeebt jungs:

0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Sonntag, 26. November 2006 19:36:55
Table TH 1 (Real/Cash Game)
Seat 1: vichy (100.00)
Seat 2: korva (165.86)
Seat 3: sir_70 (247.40)
Seat 4: comatic (99.40)
Seat 5: ahlbad (102.77)
comatic post SB 0.50
ahlbad post BB 1.00
** Deal **
vichy [N/A, N/A]
korva [N/A, N/A]
sir_70 [N/A, N/A]
comatic [Jc, Js]
ahlbad [N/A, N/A]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
vichy Fold
korva Fold
sir_70 Fold
comatic Raise to 3.00
ahlbad Call 3.00
*** Flop(Board): *** : [3c, 4c, 9s]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
comatic Bet 7.00
ahlbad Call 7.00
*** Turn(Board): *** : [3c, 4c, 9s, Jh]
*** Bet Round 3 ***
comatic Bet 21.00
ahlbad Raise to 50.00
comatic All-in 89.40
ahlbad Call 89.40
*** River(Board): *** : [3c, 4c, 9s, Jh, 5d]
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 195.80
comatic [Jc, Js] Three of a kind, jacks Win:195.80
ahlbad [4h, 4s] Three of a kind, fours Win:0.00

0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Sonntag, 26. November 2006 20:00:59
Table TH 1 (Real/Cash Game)
Seat 1: vichy (188.92)
Seat 2: korva (169.11)
Seat 3: sir_70 (238.95)
Seat 4: comatic (165.60)
Seat 5: dam009 (100.00)
korva post SB 0.50
sir_70 post BB 1.00
** Deal **
vichy [N/A, N/A]
korva [N/A, N/A]
sir_70 [N/A, N/A]
comatic [Jd, Js]
*** Bet Round 1 ***
comatic Call 1.00
vichy Raise to 5.00
korva Fold
sir_70 Fold
comatic Call 5.00
*** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, 8s, 2c]
*** Bet Round 2 ***
comatic Check
vichy Bet 8.00
comatic Raise to 16.00
vichy Raise to 56.00
comatic All-in 160.60
vichy Fold
*** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 120.50
comatic By default Win:120.50

kleines plus von 139$

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